Monday, August 15, 2011

Mystery Leak ?

Mothball One spent most of the day in the water on Saturday. It was a nice day but not much wind. I went out several times and chased some Fins around and let my brother take the boat out. The hull was in the water for about 8 hours and most of that time it was upright. When I took the boat out of the water and opened the drain plug I was greeted with a puff of air from the plug hole indicating that the hull was still sealed and pressurized. But then I started moving the hull around I heard water sloshing around. I tipped the boat up and got about a liter of water to drain out. So here's the mystery, how did I get water in a hull that appeared to still be sealed and pressurized when I took it out of the water? This is the first time I've ever gotten water from the hull after a day of sailing that I couldn't explain.

1 comment:

Limbic Candy said...

Which way did the airflow? Dropping a "hot" hull (with pressure at atmospheric) into "cold" water could cause a drop in pressure inside, perhaps sucking water in through any tiny holes. I too get a hiss of air on uncovering the drainage holes, but I'm convinced it's a suck of air inwards...