Friday, July 30, 2010

Little Things

I'm actually pretty surprised how well Mothball One is holding together. I have had a variety of breakages, buts its all been pretty minor stuff, not the huge splintering carbon fiber carnage I was half expecting to happen. I took the boat out last night for an evening sail in 10tks with some gusts around 20. That was by far the most wind I'd been out in, but she seemed to handle it ok. The boat foils great. Once its up it pretty much stays up till the wind dies or I crash. Unfortunately my sail was cut short by another small breakage. After crashing the boat in a gust I was arranging myself to bring it up and I somehow kicked the wand forward and broke the front rod linkage. Foiling over. It was a stupid little problem and a stupid mistake on my part for breaking it, but the linkage is probably under-built as well. So is the general rule just to stay away from the front of the boat in a capsize to avoid screwing up the wand? I'm also considering adding a rotation limiter on the wand to keep it from being pushed too far forward and stressing the mechanics. Little things, but I hope I can get them all sorted out and really start to learn this boat.

1 comment:

derek said...


That sucks. Cool that you got out in more wind though.