Sunday, July 25, 2010

Flying Pics...Finely

It was a really nice weekend, just not a great weekend for mothing. It was hot and sunny but the winds were 3-5kts pretty much all weekend. Except for a brief period yesterday afternoon it was not possible to foil. But I did a bunch of lowriding practice which is probably a good skill to have. I must say that it is remarkable how much faster the boat is in lowriding mode when you disconnect the wand and reduce that AOA on the rudder. At one point my rudder came off, but I was able to reattach it with a bit of help from a jetski. Luckily I was able to take a few picks of my brother sailing late in the day when the wind picked up to a whopping 7 kts and the boat was just able to get foiling. Clearly the ride height isn't great, but that may have been due to the wind. I did extend the wand a bit today with a plastic spoon handle, but there wasn't enough wind to try it out. This week I hope to make a few modifications to prevent the tramp strings from breaking a keep the rudder from coming off again, but all in all the boat is working great. I can't wait to sail it in more than 10 kts of wind.

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