Sunday, August 8, 2010

Good and Bad

Yesterday as a very good day for mothing. I finely was able to get the boat in good winds for figuring things out, 10-12 from the south and fairly steady. Everything went very well and I was totally stoked. I recorded 16.4 kts on the GPS for a max speed and sailed for about three hours. I went out again today in hopes of the same but the wind didn't come up at all till late in the day and then it was fairly puffy and shifty. I was working on handling the gusts and the boat was sailing ok, lots of steering errors on my part though, I need to work on that. Then bang! Crap. Look around and it looks like everything is ok but the boat is feeling really strange and won't fly so I look over the side and the daggerboard has split again. Damn. Better do a better job of fixing it I guess.


Leon Vandervalk said... son and i are interested in building a foiling are an insperation. Keep it up...please. more pics of foiling...maybe a video?

Unknown said...

i whant to build a plywood moth something as yours can you have any plans lains or something can you send me them thanks for any help