Saturday, June 26, 2010

Bladerider Copy?

So I started thinking about Mothball 1 and I realized that this thing is pretty much a Bladerider. I wasn't intending to do this but it just kind of turned out that way. I got all the parts randomly over several year but they all ended up being bladerider bits. Maybe this is just because that's all that was really available. Sail - Bladerider X8, mast and boom - C-Tech, rudder horizontal- Bladerider, Mechanical bits- Bladerider, the boat geometry is similar to the Bladerider, the total weight is almost the same, the only big difference will be in the main lifting foil. Will it perform like a Bladerider? Probably not, but it should be close.

1 comment:

derek said...

One big difference will be the price. Unless you start looking at it terms of billable hours put into it, then I suspect it will actually be more expensive. :)