Monday, May 10, 2010

Getting Closer

So I have been slowly progressing on this thing, but running a business, taking care of a two-year old, getting a keel boat ready to race, planning a national regatta, and building a Moth takes a lot of time. I'm not complaining, its all fun, its just hard to focus on one thing. Anyway, here's were we are. I have almost all of the parts finished for the rudder and tiller assembly. The rig is pretty much done. The hull is mostly done but needs to be faired a bit and painted. I'm waiting on some parts so that I can finish the daggerboard and main foil and I need to sew the tramps. I also need to get the misc. hardware and get everything mounted on the boat. And I need to build a dolly. It's really just a lot of little stuff at this point and I'm still hoping to be sailing in a month, but tomorrow its off to Seattle for the NOODs!

1 comment:

Fred said...

Hi there,
you are not alone. Have an almost 2 yrs old gal. Have put my sportsboat and my 36´cruiser in the water and rigged them. Have not been able to sail the Moth for 3 weeks due to company committments and bad weather. Though it´s mostly fun I am stressed out a bit and happy to leave this behind for a week on Sunday for the Moth Fest in Spain. The Moth Fest is getting closer!