Mothball one is look'n pretty good, despite some minor injuries. My brother Jeff was jones'n to take the boat for a spin on Saturday evening in some pretty good breeze. Unfortunately his ambition did not quite match the conditions and after accidentally letting the cunningham completely free and not noticing, the boat became pretty uncontrollable in the 20kt breeze. After crashing several times in a row he ended his ride by falling backwards off of the racks and landing head-first on the hull. It was a pretty violent fall and he hit hard enough to put a pretty good crack in the hull. Thankfully he wasn't hurt and after making a few rig adjustments I was able to sail the boat back to marina and I even got it on video (check back tomorrow). After fixing the boat with some sail tape (see above) I sailed some more this afternoon in a pretty nice 8-10 kt breeze. Thanks to Valerie for the pic and movies!
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