Weight is everything on the moth. Heavy things don't fly. I've been trying to get a handle on the boat weight for a while but frankly I couldn't find a good way to accurately measure it, until today. With the aid of a few pulleys and some weights I was able to suspend the boat and check the hull weight. It turns out the total weight of the mostly finished hull is 28 lbs. I still need to do a bit of fairing and paint it, but 28 lbs is actually quite good for a home-built plywood hull. It is about 10 lbs heavier than the Mach 2 (~18 lb), but its significantly lighter than the Bladerider FX (~40 lb). This thing may actually fly.
Make sure the pulleys are nice and lubricated or else friction will account for a bit. Since you have some dumbells, you could weight something with a known weight (like your daughter) and see how accurate the system is.
I have a fisherman's scale that I bought for a couple of bucks at Walmart that Aubrey used when she was trying to figure out her pack weight. I also use it for figuring out the weight of my bikes. :)
I always used the pick-it-up and stand-on-the scale method. Just take the total weight and then subtract off your weight without the boat. A digital scale on a flat solid surface should give an accurate reading.
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